Monday 30 April 2012

Entertaining Solo... Kinda

What a week it's been. After being unwell, and Hubsand being away while I was unwell, getting more unwell, getting slightly better, taking Hubsand for knee surgery, him not recovering well at all, hosting our neighbours party and just generally struggling to make everything fit in to my day, I find time to post.

Dinner was great. Ended up doing a roast pork, some roast veg and braised fennel and garlic for dinner. Delish. hard work though when you have to look after a crippled hubby, 3 year old going stir crazy in the wet weather, cook, clean and be awesome!

I did however, manage a cake too. It was a bit of a head turner. I saw this a while back on the beantown baker blog, and needed it in my belly!

A gorgeous lemon layer cake with raspberry curd (why did no one ever tell me I could curd the house down with other fruits? I lurve lemon curd, but this is amazing!) and lemon buttercream. I think next time i'd perhaps go a whipped cream topping on top, just to lighten it up a little. Yum.

Now all I need to achieve this week is to get hubby's knee in working order so I can get back to actually getting things done, and to not have to clean up after myself.

Friday 20 April 2012


When I was 18 I finished my VCE, packed my bags and moved out of the country. To the City. Melbourne. I loved with 3 friends, and had a massive blast. The story goes on, I studied, worked, fell in love, you know the drill. And here I am. We still get back to my part of the country, and Bean loves it there.

I am still a bit of a country girl. I loathe country music, so don't mistake that with a country soul. I share, I help, I listen. I believe that you should know where your food comes from. I eat animals I know... errr knew. I stand in shit and it's not a bad day. I dont mind dirt under my nails, provided its been fruitful or eventful. I love my neighbours like family.

It was strange to me that when the Hubsand and I purchased our first unit in the burbs and moved in, that we wouldn’t be getting to know our neighbours. No firing up the Barbie in the courtyard and sharing a few beers. They were odd people who either played music too loud, had too many (small) dogs in one small apartment, or parked in front of our cars blocking us in. Blergh. No friends here. Move on please.

So when we found out forever home, imagine my surprise when we made nice with our neighbours. In them we have found dog-sitters, baby sitters, nurses, drinking buddies, counsellors, pool owners, veggie-co-ops, cups of sugar and loads of laughs. This weekend means the end of a special era. Our next door neighbours are moving out. Sure it's only 10 minutes away, but it's going to be tough. With our families far away in the sticks or interstate, we have a little support network that they were a big part of. So, as they pack their things and we promise to keep in touch... I am cooking. A going away dinner (slash birthday party for the neighbour across the road who has some serious slack to pick up!!) and that makes me happy. Nothing makes me happier than cooking for the ones I love, so it's on.

I cant be the only one who cooks through the tough times, do you?

All About Mee

So, Me. My name is Skye, or Mumma Mee. I'm mum to one boy, but have been known as Mumma Mee since before I was an actual real life mum to the Bean, who is 3. I'm married, I work, I cook, I drink, I eat, I garden and I love.

Hubsand (yes, I'm aware that's not how you spell Husband) works in an industry that takes him from us part time, but we love him nonetheless. I work part time in the real world, full time for the Bean, and where I can manage for my Hubsand. I would never claim to be a part time single mum, just without the Dad part time.

I'm from the country, but live in the burbs. I'm slowly turning my small backyard into a farm (or so my cityboy Hubsand thinks) with a veggie patch, chooks and a dog. I love to cook and feed my family real food that I have made.

I'm passionate about stuff and I like things. Want to know what they are? Come on over, there's cake, wine and tea for everyone. And a pile of toys to keep the kids away... I mean entertained.